Board of Directors

Amanda Casari

Amanda Casari

Google Cloud

Amanda Casari is a Navy veteran who transitioned from the officer core into leading the charge of Open Source and Education at Google Cloud.

Chris M. Christi

Chris M. Christi

Calypso AI

Chris began his career in technology as an Army Signal Officer serving in technology leadership positions both on active duty and National Guard. Chris has 20 years experience in sales, business development and leadership positions at innovative technology companies including Forcepoint, Veeam Software, Secure Computing, Dell and Now Calypso AI.

Taylor Desseyn

Taylor Desseyn


Taylor leads one of the hottest recruiting teams for developers in the country. His focus on empathy and being a good person first keeps him in demand with both developers and engineering firms alike.

Paul Ford

Paul Ford


Co-Founder of Postlight, a Digital Strategy company that focuses on JAMstack Technologies. Writer at Bloomberg and Wired.

Brian Holt

Brian Holt


Brian is currently working as a product manager on dev tools at Stripe and he’s all about developers, developers, developers. Previously he was a JavaScript engineer at Netflix, Microsoft and Reddit. When not working, Brian finds time to teach on Frontend Masters, run his mouth on Front End Happy Hour, travel all over the world, and play with his adorable dog. Brian is currently a resident of Seattle, WA.

Anna Lee

Anna Lee

Director Of User Experience at Ryan

Anna is a Boston-based UX designer with a background in research and front-end web development. Anna is passionate about design systems, tackling complex user interfaces, and simplifying tasks that have traditionally been tedious and/or time-consuming.

Christina Morillo

Christina Morillo

Trimarc Security

Christina Morillio is an information security professional, author, and technical product manager, focused on enterprise identity & security in cloud and beyond.

Rachel Polish

Rachel Polish


Rachel is member of the Coast Guard that focuses on International communications, which translates perfectly to her role at Twilio as the Senior Manager of Internal Communications.

Alex Reyes

Alex Reyes


Alex is an Air Force Veteran who transitioned into a role that is currently focused on the recruitment of Senior Software Engineers and Technical Leads in Mexico, Chile & Canadian talent markets for Meta ( Facebook ).

Zed Shaw

Zed Shaw

Learn Code The Hard Way

Zed A. Shaw is a software developer best known for creating the Learn Code the Hard Way series of programming tutorials, as well as for creating the Mongrel web server for Ruby web applications.

Kyle Shevlin

Kyle Shevlin

Software Engineer & Consultant

Kyle Shevlin is a software engineer who specializes in JavaScript, React and front end web development.

Melanie Sumner

Melanie Sumner


Navy veteran who transitioned into an Accessibility Expert / Front End Engineering expert. Has large scale open-source and big-tech experience.

Maxim Thorne

Maxim Thorne


Maxim Thorne is an American lawyer and civil rights advocate who teaches on philanthropy at Yale University. He is the founder of JusticeInvestor, a litigation crowdfunding company focused on environmental and social justice cases. He became a Senior Vice-President of the NAACP in 2008,where he helped establish the first LGBT Task Force.

Ken Wheeler

Ken Wheeler

Citadel Securities

Open Source pioneer who focuses on the Javascript ecosystem and motivating those from underrepresented paths into programming.

Caree Youngman

Caree Youngman


Software Engineering Manager with a heavy background in front end development and a passion for bringing teams together.

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